Friday 27 May 2022

Pickle of Drum Stick


सहजन (मुंनगा की फली) का अचार:

सहजन के टुकड़ों को खौलते पानी में डालकर ढक देते हैं। १० मिनट बाद टुकड़ों को पानी से निकाल कर हवा ‌लगने देते हैं।
फिर भीगी हुई राई, मेथी, सौंफ,  हींग  (इनका proportion  taste ke हिसाब से) को पीस कर उसमें लाल मिर्च और एक-दो  कच्चे आम के छोटे छोटे टुकड़े साथ में मिलाकर अंदाज से नमक एक बड़ा चम्मच सरसों का तेल ; इन सबको सूख गये सहजन के टुकड़ों के साथ मिलाकर एक दिन अच्छी धूप में खुला रखते हैं जिससे नमी भी कम हो जाय और राई की खटास भी उभर कर आ जाए। फिर अगले दिन अमर्तबान में भर कर तेल भर दें। एक सप्ताह बाद  खाने लायक अचार हो जायेगा। It will be ready to serve within a week

Thursday 26 May 2022

Damdam Lake,Abhaypur Village, Gudgaon

 Damdam Lake,Abhaypur Village, Gudgaon

About 12 kilometer from sector 56 Gudgaon towards Sohna road Highway,thee is a vilage Abhaypuron left hand side. enteringin this vilage and after moving about 3 kilometer we reach beautiful huge lake Damdam.the best season is just afte rainy season i.e. from end of August to March. There is a small tea stall also where tourist may enjoy tea/coffee with snacks.

Saturday 15 May 2021

Stuff Green Tomato

 Stuff green टमाटर।

प्याज फ्राई करके उसमें थोड़ा पनीर कद्दूकस करें और अपनी पसंद के मसाले नमक डालकर मिक्सचर बना लें
टमाटर को ऊपर से थोड़ा कांटे ताकि अंदर के बीज वाला भाग निकला जा सके उसमें यह मिक्सचर २/३ भाग भर दें बाकी कद्दूकस किया हुआ पनीर भर दें ।
निकालें हुए बीज वाले भाग को कढ़ाई में डाल कर उसके ऊपर भरवां टमाटर रखकर धीमी आंच पर रख कर ढक दें ५ मिनट के लिए।
बस स्वादिष्ट भरवां टमाटर की सब्जी तैयार।
Non wage खाने वाले पनीर की जगह कीमा का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।

Monday 13 April 2020

Sweat Dish of winter DALBHISHT of Lucknow which is disappearing

DALBHISHT the traditional sweat Dish of Lucknow reason:

The varieties of Traditional Indian foods were of full nutrition values and  based on seasons. The sweets were also be made according to season. But nowadays  the traditional sweets are disappearing due to several factors. One of the delicious sweet dish called "Dalbhisht" is hardly available in the sweet shops of Lucknow as the artists ( Karigar) who know the technique to make it are rarely available. I got it only in one shop of old Lucknow after roaming streets of Chowk ward. Such items should be documented.

 A piece of DALBHIST Sweat

A piece of DALBHIST Sweat decorated with silver foil

This shop is near Kakkar Park,Chopatiyan, Chowk ward, Lucknow. (  this is a very old small shop, no decoration,,of a Brahamin )

Sunday 8 September 2019

YONGJOOSA TEMPLE - Hwaseong Yongjusa Temple (용주사(화성),SOUTH KOREA


  1. Yongjoosa is a head temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. It is located in on the slopes of Hwasan in Taean-eup , Hwaseong , in the province of Gyeonggi , South Korea . The temple's name means "dragon jewel temple."

Yongjusa Temple is located near Yungneung and Geolleung Royal Tombs. This site was originally the location of Garyangsa Temple, which was constructed in 854, the 16th year of King Munseong of the Silla Kingdom. The temple was very famous as it was surrounded by beautiful mountains and crystal clear waters. However, the temple was destroyed by fire during the Byungjahoran (the second Manchu invasion of Korea).

During the Joseon dynasty, King Jeongjo moved the tomb of his father to this spot, and built Yongjusa Temple here to pray for the repose of his father’s soul. It is said that one night before the temple was completed, King Jeongjo dreamt of a dragon ascending to the sky holding a magic ball in its mouth. He therefore named the temple “Yongjusa”, which means the temple of a dragon with a magic ball in Korean. .... These days Yongjusa temple and the Yungneung and Geolleung tombs are highly valued for their cultural heritage.

Gunpo Monument in Seoul District

Gunpo Monument
(Seoul District, South korea)