Friday 4 April 2014

Baolis of Maharajpur & Panagar of the historical city Jabalpur, MP

There are lovely monuments in the surroundings of Jabalpur and most of them are neglected (including Madanmahel- the symbol of Gondwana Empire).
A beautiful BAWADI is in Maharajpur, Panagar Tahaseel, Jabalpur. The architecture and the material used in its construction appears of around 13th century ( an archeologist may tell better)but local people are using it 

as a dustbin and encroaching like East India company. Unfortunately, neither the Civil Administration and nor the Archeological Departments (MP State as well as ASI) are paying their attention towards it. There may be unsaid reasons i.e. lack of manpower to look after, negligence of staff, lack of funds or misuse of funds and we cannot ignore corruption as it has infiltrated from top to bottom nowadays in our system.
Just four kilometers from this place in the heart of Panagar, there is a beautiful BAWDI which appears of early eighteenth century, where a newly constructed temple has been made. But they are not taking care of 

the BAWDI while they have made temple in its premises and people have used its one of the wall for building house by someone. When I was doing photography one local person and the Pujari called me to take ARTI  & PRASAD. However their objective was to inquire from me about the reason of taking photographs. I said it is my hobby.

Vijay Nath Sondhi
Retired from ICSSR